Are you a content creator? If you love creating content for your followers, admit it or not, finding unique and high-quality stock photos, music, videos and more for your blogs, websites, and apps is a struggle. A majority of your time is spent vigorously and tirelessly hunting for stock items from multiple sources, which could have been used in creating great content. It does take its toll on you, doesn’t it? We put an end to this dilemma. Introducing Envato Elements. It is a platform where you can find several stock assets, from photos to graphic designs to audio tracks, videos, email templates, fonts, and even WordPress plugins and themes. You will learn more about Envato Elements as you continue reading. In this detailed Envato Elements review, you will get to know what this platform is all about, learn about its features, the pros and cons, the media available in the platform, its pricing plans, and so much more. So without further ado, let us dive right into our Envato Elements review.

Overview Of Envato Elements: What Is It All About?
Envato Elements pertains to the subscription service that provides unlimited downloads of creative assets that include graphics, stock photos, WordPress templates, fonts, sound effects, videos, music, and so much more. Everybody can access the platform at a very affordable monthly subscription cost. This platform is a fantastic solution for designers and website owners who need regular access to these creative assets. This service aims to compete with several other stock licensing services today, such as Unsplash, Getty Images, Adobe Stock, and so much more. Perhaps among the greatest advantages of this is that the platform offers a wide range of asset types, allowing the user to reduce the number of their needed subscriptions. So far, since this platform was born, many types of users have benefitted from the service, including graphic designers, web designers, and videographers, to name a few. There are three options for subscription: single subscription, team subscription, and single subscription with student discount. Should you want custom pricing, you can contact Envato Elements. The latter is usually for enterprise-level clients. “[Envato Elements] opens up a world of creative possibilities for all your design projects. Powered by a community of talented designers, our subscription puts great design in reach for everyone,” the platform said on its official website.
Available Creative Digital Assets At Envato Elements
With Envato Elements, you can access the following creative digital assets: For design and stock, you got:
- Stock video: Stock footage and motion graphics
- Video templates: Broadcast packages, elements, infographics, logo stings, openers, product promo, titles, and video displays
- Music: Royalty-free music, and logos and idents
- Sound effects: Game sounds, transitions and movement, domestic sounds, human sounds, urban sounds, nature sounds, futuristic sounds, interface sounds, cartoon sounds, industrial sounds, sound packs, and miscellaneous sounds
- Graphic templates: Print templates, product mockups, websites, UX and UI kits, infographics, logos, and scene generators
- Graphics: Backgrounds, textures, social, patterns, icons, objects, and illustrations
- Presentation templates
- Photos
- Fonts: Serif, sans serif, script and handwritten, and decorative
- Add-ons: Action and presets, brushes, layer styles, and palettes
- 3D
For web, there are:
- Web templates: Admin templates, email templates, site templates, and landing page templates
- CMS templates: Drupal, Joomla, Magento, Muse, OpenCart, PrestaShop, Shopify, Unbounce, Ghost, and Tumblr
- WordPress: Themes, plugins, and templates kits
Now that’s a lot. Everything on that list, only at Envato Elements. Try it today.
- Unlimited downloads
- Verified assets
- Affordable plans
- Great collection
- Easy search and filter
- Free courses
- Simple licensing
- Absence of premium assets
- No support for WordPress themes and plugins
- Re-registration is required
What Envato Elements Can Provide: Features
Despite the presence of those cons, the pros actually outweigh them. Plus, there are also several features you can look forward to.
Get Unlimited Downloads For A Single Fee
With this, you can focus on creating great designs, not worrying about adding credits to where they are due or managing download limits. Envato Element’s unlimited downloads feature lets you be free to push your creative boundaries and venture into new things.
A Community Of Independent Designers Power Envato Elements
Content creators consistently want high-quality and unique assets for their projects. With Envato Elements, you get the best of everything. Why? This platform taps into a community of talented designers who are passionate about everything they do.
There Is One Simple Commercial License For All Content
If you are worried about all things licensing, you do not have to with Envato Elements. It makes it easy for everybody to do the right thing. With its one license that provides you broad commercial rights and applies to everything, you can use items with confidence in all your projects, without worrying about giving where the credit is due.
A Fairer Approach To Revenue Share
Plus, another great thing about Envato Elements is its revenue sharing system. As a company, it believes that when the community triumphs, they also succeed. They take pride in providing a way for independent designers to earn living by doing the things they love the most. Envato Elements shares 50 percent of net revenue and pioneers the user of subscriber share. You read that right.

Envato Elements Pricing
Envato Elements offers various pricing options. Its main one is the Individual plan which starts at $16.50 per month. However, for students who want to use the platform, they offer them 30 percent off. You can pay with Visa, Mastercard, PayPal, or American Express. Furthermore, these payments are secure and worry-free. Plus, you can cancel anytime. If you are working as a team, and want to obtain Envato Elements and all its creative assets, they also provide a pricing plan based on how many you are in the team. For teams with two members, it is $14.50 per month per member. Teams with three members can get it at $12.42 per month per member. For teams consisting of four members, it is $11.38 per month per member. Teams with five members can get Envato Elements at $10.75 per month per member. Teams with six members and above are suggested to go for the Enterprise pricing option, with which they need to coordinate with the company. Want to see if the platform fits you well and do not want to pay yet? They offer the Envato Elements free trial. This is a seven-day free trial that provides unlimited access to the platform’s entire collection. During these seven days, you can download any asset without any limits. Each download also grants you a commercial license that lets you use the creative assets for your projects. Isn’t that amazing?

Quora Questions On Envato Elements Plus More, Answered!
What Is Your Experience With Using Envato Marketplaces?
Envato is a company that offers various services for users. It has Envato Elements, where you can access several creative digital assets, such as videos and music. It has Placeit by Envato where you can get unlimited downloads on all their templates available. Then, it also has Envato Market, a platform where you can get thousands of easy-to-customize themes, templates, and CMS products, made by world-class developers. Using Envato Market is fantastic. It offers a collection of niche marketplaces where authors can sell their items directly to customers. Authors upload their work, users buy and license the item, and in turn, these authors earn. The signup process is also easy and simple. We recommend this.
Do You Need An Envato Element Premium Account?
If you want a total grasp of everything on Envato Elements, we recommend you create your premium account. But for you to try and enjoy the features that it offers, you do not need a premium account. They offer a seven-day free trial where you can access its features and start downloading their creative assets for use in your projects.
What Is The Envato Market?
Envato Market is among the services offered by Envato, alongside Envato Elements and Placeit by Envato. Envato Market sites are platforms that let members buy and sell licenses to use digital items like production music, website themes, motion graphics project files, software code, images, vectors, and so much more. Right here, buyers and authors or sellers directly transact with each other as Envato provides a platform to allow these transactions to take place. If you have an Envato Market account, any transactions are logged on your member’s statement, which records the payments you have made to authors via Envato Market as a buyer, and by buyers via Envato Market to you as an author.
Is Envato Safe?
Yes, Envato is totally safe. Envato now counts more than 900,000 active monthly buyers and sellers across its products. There are also several reviews written about Envato worth checking out.
Do You Recommend Envato Elements Or Shutterstock?
Envato Elements and Shutterstock are two of today’s most popular platforms when you need to obtain creative digital assets like photos, music, videos, and more. Like Envato Elements, Shutterstock also has a collection of images, videos, music, 3D models, and more. However, Shutterstock is a little bit pricey compared with Envato Elements. But if you want a more extensive library, you can choose Shutterstock.
Should You Use Envato Elements?
To summarize, searching around, you can find several Envato Elements reviews about this platform, highlighting the pros, the cons, the features, and so much more. Many of these reviews recommend Envato Elements, and we agree with them. Did we mention you can also use the Envato Elements login feature to further personalize the experience? Overall, Envato Elements offers great value for your money. It is affordable, you can cancel anytime, and the commercial licensing terms are very reasonable. Many, if not all, of the creative digital assets featured in the platform are great for your projects, and they also save you money compared to purchasing each item individually from various sources. So, Envato Elements is also a one-stop solution. Moreover, there are also no limits to how many products from this platform you can use within a year, making its service truly exceptional. Whether you are looking for images, royalty-free music, videos, or WordPress themes, Envato Elements is the go-to platform for the creative assets you need. They also do it risk-free for the user, which is great. You can preview the available assets in the Envato marketplace and browse the library before signing up and paying for these features. With Envato Elements, you can design without limits.
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